Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 8 Fun! Fun! Fun!

For my last full day in Cape Town I decided to do something I have never done before and have always longed to do.  This was to dive with the king of the sea the Great White Shark.  I found a highly trained diving instructor on the internet.  In case you are ever in Cape Town and want to do this here is the website http://www.africadiver.com/. For the first half of the day I had to become licensed in scuba diving  and then the fun began on the last half of the day.  We rode out into the sea a little ways and then I was dropped into a steel cage in the water.  Inside the cage I had tons of different sharks swim right next to me.  The best was when the Great White bumped into my cage.  It was the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.  It was a long day but well worth it.

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