Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 7 World Design Capital

Today I had the privilege of visiting the area where the Galvin Young sculpture is located.  This sculpture along with the buildings surrounded it are the main reason why Cape Town may receive the award of World Design Capital 2014.  They should know in a matter of hours if they receive the award or not.  Cape Town is competing with two other popular cities: Dublin, Ireland and Bilbao, Spain.  Executive Mayor of Cape Town, Patricia de Lille is in Taipei waiting on the official announcement of the winning city.  A very informative website that provides information on the award is http://www.capetown.gov.za/en/Pages/CTgearsupforWorldDesignCapitalannouncementasdelegationheadstoTaipei.aspx A picture of the Galvin Young sculpture and its surroundings is attached as well.

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